Dillon Rice

Software Engineer

Hey there! I’m full stack web app designer and engineer based in the Sacramento area.


I'm Dillon

I’m a software engineer and Bay Area native. I live in Grass Valley with my family. I like to architect systems and listen to heavy metal. On weekends you can find me on my motorcycle or at the park with my son and daughter! In my free time, I enjoy table top RPGs, reading fantasy and sci-fi, and 3d printing. If you'd like to reach me to network or collaborate, you can reach me at dillon.m.rice@gmail.com or fill out the form below.

My Career So Far...

I graduated from college in 2013 and immediately began working for an early stage heath and technology start-up called Nonstop Wellness. I worked there for six and a half years, holding various jobs and titles that were technical in nature. I developed extensive knowledge of the software development process and the healthcare industry. I led their technical operations team and project management functions while also managing vendor relationships and providing excellent customer service to our clients. When I left in early 2020, the company had grown more than 12 times in size and revenue. I left because I wanted to refocus my carreer on software development, so I joined the February 2020 App Academy Cohort. At App Academy I honed my skills building web applications. After I graduated, I joined Credder.com as a software developer, focusing on Ruby on Rails development and testing. For the last 3 years I've been working for Nucla (formerly Kite) as a fullstack software engineer. During my time there I did extensive work on the front end and back end designing and implementing effiecent user facing processes including ETL, SSO, search indexing, and informational dashboards. I have extenisve expirience with Ruby on Rails, Postgresql, VueJS, and Elasticsearch. I enjoy all facets of software engineering and I am extremely flexible when it comes to assignments. I've been working in distributed and remote environments for the last decade and have become very independent and self reliant in my problem solving.
Nonstop Wellness
Director, Project Mgmt
Promoted from TechOps Engineer
Jun 2013 — Jan 2020
Software Developer
June 2020 - Oct 2020
Software Engineer
Oct 2020 — Jul 2023
Sustainic Labs
Software Engineer
Jul 2023 — Present


10+ years of technology and start-up experience. Hard working, dedicated, and independent.
Ruby on Rails

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